Ideation and Methods

It's all about creating ideas, but if you want to make something worthwhile out of the process, there are certain laws to obey.

Ideation and Methods
The first, and possibly most important, is to have a judgment-free space where ideas can be put forward by all. Don't ignore that the motto is ''quantity over quality''. Here are a few exercises in team-based ideation that will make your brainstorms more inclusive, interactive, and effective: 
Bingo Selection
Purpose- Encourages members to exchange ideas. 
The facilitator can allow participants to divide concepts according to a number of form factors in the process, such as their future implementations in a physical version, a digital version, and a prototype of experience. 
Purpose- Construct comprehensively on each other's ideas.
Practitioners and opponents both praised this process. In the beginning, provide all participants with index cards or post-it notes, and ask them to produce three topic-related ideas individually. Participants will pass their card to the individual on their right after this stage; the next individual finds a way to build on these thoughts, or incorporate incremental changes. The target is to end up with 3x more ideas.
Purpose- By visualisation, identify challenges in your item or service.
It has been shown that visualisation increases learning ability and promotes process-oriented innovative thinking. Speedboat is a strategy that allows you to imagine the barriers stopping your target from being accomplished. The boat is your project and the challenges, threats, are the anchors that keep you from achieving your target.
Dot voting 
Purpose- Choose and rate definitions based on the effect of industry.
Dot voting is a basic method used in a community environment to prioritise objects democratically or make decisions. It is a fast, quick way to narrow down options and converge to a collection of ideas or concepts.
It is time to compile, categorise, optimise, and narrow down the best idea, solution, or plan after an ideation session is done.