Do tattoo affect your career?

Tattoos used to be considered part of a counterculture. Today, tattoos are gaining wider social acceptance, and more people, men and women alike, have them. Does having tattoos says anything about an individual that is relevant to his or her job?

There were times when tattoos were designated as "Job Stoppers" since employers wouldn't recruit individuals with tattoos. But significantly tattoos have got more typical nowadays, even among professions that earlier do not hire anybody with tattoos. There were times when the only people who got tattoos were gangsters, individuals who coordinated in jail for crimes, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists.  But today, numerous individuals have drawn towards the art of tattooing, and numerous businesses have changed their perspectives towards tattoos and towards individuals who have them. 

Work Plugs

Even now in some professions and in some parts of the country having tattoos can still affect your job. If you’re in a conservative profession and you can’t cover your tattoos, you might not get hired. Some employers still see a tattoos-gang or tattoos-prison connection and don’t want trouble, so that is a job stopper. Some employers who have older, more conservative clients, patients, customers, or students may not hire people with tattoos. A kindergarten instructor probably won't get recruited or may be advised to totally cover her tattoos in case they alarm the kids and their folks. An appointed authority may toss a lawyer out of his court if the lawyer has tattoos. But if you’re an artist, or a musician, or even a  truck driver, tattoos are probably acceptable and won’t be a bar to employment. Carrying a tattoo is not a cup of tea for everyone. There is a huge commitment and some people may fear that they will regret it later. However, an individual should not be judged for having a tattoo.

Your Preferences

In the end, it is all your choice whether or not to have tattoos. You can still continue to get whatever tattoos you want and do it with no regrets because it is who you are and what you want to do with your skin. If for some reason you get denied for a job in the future, then you should move forward and not give up on applying for a job in that environment. It would be much better if you are accepted with your tattoos in a segment of a job where you like work. Carrying a tattoo is not a cup of tea for everyone. There is a huge commitment and some people may fear that they will regret it later. However, an individual should not be judged for having a tattoo.

''Tattoos are a form of verbal communication and expression''.