Is it a Hobby or Business?

The side hustle trend appears to be appealing to many entrepreneurs. It's based on the idea of "designing your business around doing the things you love and you'll never work a day in your life."

Is it a Hobby or Business?

This isn't entirely true, as transitioning from a hobby to a business has its own set of challenges. If you aren't ready, the workload and new tasks required to turn your hobby into a full-fledged business may be more than you bargained for, sapping your enjoyment of the original hobby.

Is this a hobby or a business?

In a nutshell, the distinction between a hobby and a business is how you handle your expenses and losses. If you own a business, you can deduct all of your expenses and losses. If it's a hobby,  you can only subtract costs up to the amount of income you earn, so closely check the exam questions.

Create a Profitable Side Hustle

  1. Make a list of what you're passionate about.
  2. Decide whether to invest money early.
  3. Check for any potential conflicts of interest.
  4. Make time for your side hustle.
  5. Remember to keep your day job in mind.

What do you come up with as a side hustle idea? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Binding a book
  • Soap making
  • Pottery
  • Upcycling furniture
  • Leatherwork
  • Photography
  • Printing 
  • Stained-glass 
  • Scrapbooking and quilting
  • Sewing 
  • Sculpture making

There are certainly plenty of others that come to mind. There are various websites that can guide you through the process of creating an LLC, securing startup capital, setting up accounting, and compliance with licensing requirements. As the business grows marketing becomes an essential part. It plays a vital role in the uplift of the business. These are only a handful of the many silver linings that can be found through cycles of cultural and market transition. Regardless of the economic and cultural developments that exist around them, the world of entrepreneurship skills continues to flourish.