Are You Afraid to Quit Your Job?

The mental gymnastics involved in choosing whether or not to leave your job can often be more difficult than the act of quitting. Here is some factor to look before quitting your job, particularly if you're hesitant to try something new.

Are You Afraid to Quit Your Job?

Why Are You So Afraid of Quitting Your Job?

Do any of these common concerns about leaving a stable job ring true for you?

  1. You enjoy your chosen profession, but things at work are too stressful. There's a lot of snooping going on. Your manager may a tough person to deal with. The performance standards are excessive. All of this is making it far too stressful to continue working at the same place.
  2. You have no idea how much your talents are worth in the job market. For people who have been doing the same job for a long time, this is a common fear. How can you figure out how much your qualifications are worth after working for the same organisation for a long time?
  3. You're having difficulties at home (i.e.; divorce, mounting debt, family problems). The idea of losing your job in the midst of so much turmoil is terrifying.
  4. You're considering changing occupations or starting your own business. Perhaps you'd like to return to school. However, if you are unsure of your next steps, leaving your work can be extremely frightening.
  5. You don't have a new career waiting for you. How are you going to pay your bills? How long would it take you to find new employment? What are you going to do to make ends meet?

You may be afraid of quitting for all of these factors, or even all of them. It's understandable that the prospect of resigning is frightening. Giving up the protection and security of a full-time career, even though it is one that is causing you stress, is a major risk. It entails making a lifestyle change. And we all know how frightening change can be. If you're stuck in your work and don't know what to do, a fresh outlook could be beneficial. It's fine to seek assistance in resolving your doubts if it means you'll be able to think better about your next move. Consider confiding in a trusted friend rather than a coworker. Bring together your support group and look for friends and family members who want you to be as happy as possible. Before you send in your resignation letter, here are some other things to consider when you consider leaving your job.

  • Trust Your Gut - Follow your instincts.
  • Use the power of daydreaming and artistic imagination to imagine your new life.
  • Consider Your Priorities - Concentrate on the things that are most important to you right now and in the future.

When you're considering leaving your job, keep these points in mind !!

  1. Don't try to make your job-quit decision all at once. Allow yourself time to work through the decision-making process by breaking it down into manageable steps.
  2. Maintain power of your ego and defensive mechanisms. It's normal for your defensive mechanism to kick in and defend your ego if you're getting offended at work. However, don't let this affect your decision or make you overconfident.
  3. Make no attempt to make a decision in your mind. You won't remember anything. You'll lose track of the advantages and disadvantages. Create a list of your suggestions.
  4. Make sure you'll be able to stick to your choice. Create a list of the things that will most likely happen after you make your decision and a plan to deal with them as soon as possible.