Is it possible to increase Calcium levels without Diary?

Calcium is present in a wide variety of foods that do not contain milk, cheese, and yogurt, and all of these are 1st-rate Calcium-rich foods. But before we delve into options high in calcium, here's a brief reminder of why it's so important to maintain safe calcium levels.

Is it possible to increase Calcium levels without Diary?

Bone Health- Your bones and teeth store 99 percent of your body's calcium. Your body continuously rebuilds and repairs your bones before you reach older adulthood.

Heart function- Calcium is one of the major element which keeps the heart muscles beating.

Transmission of nerves- Calcium fires signals from cells that guide the muscles to flex and give you mobility.

Holding all these processes circulating in the body requires a calcium-rich diet. In order to maintain bone health and stave off osteoporosis, a widespread bone condition that can grow as you age, older adults need more calcium. Osteoporosis reduces mobility and leads to broken bones.  If you restrict dairy products, make it a routine to have any one of these calcium-rich foods in your diet:

Sea Foods- Sardines,  Shrimp, Salmons,

Fortified milk of soy, almonds, and rice,

Veggies, such as boiled broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, acorn squash, tofu, quinoa, greens, turnip, beans, boiled green soybeans, papaya, dried oranges, and figs are the dose of added calcium also comes with fortified cereals. 

Always be keen on your food intake proportions. Most people around the globe are facing Calicium deficiency which risks their health in many ways. The key point is bone health. If you are lactose intolerant you can add these superfoods and calcium supplements to your diet to balance the calcium levels and live a healthy life.